The ToneStyler BASS TEN SHORT (B-10-S), STANDARD TEN SHORT (S-10-S)  GUITAR TEN SHORT (G-10-S) and BRIDGE TEN SHORT (M-10-S) and the are miniature ten-position capacitor selector switch tone controls, for electric guitars & basses with hi-Z passive magnetic pickups.  These unique custom tone controls feature eight contrasting capacitance circuits with uniform audio-taper spacing between tones, and the guaranteed quietest switching in this device class!


Unlike the many cheap, low-quality DIY products using flimsy imported components and noisy switching, Stellartone stands alone in using only premium USA mil-spec aviation components, gold contacts, super-silent switching, and hand wiring. Don't waste your time and money installing a noisy, throw-away junk product with a short lifespan. Your guitar or bass is worth the best!


See the animated EQ chart for a comparison of the audio performance of a standard single-capacitor bass tone pot, vs the multi-capacitor ToneStyler; check out our product specifications for more information.


The STANDARD TEN SHORT combines the min-max EQ ranges of our GUITAR TEN SHORT and BASS TEN SHORT. The deepest anti-clockwise circuit #1 selects the traditional #473 bass tone cap, and the adjacent circuit #2 selects the traditional #223 guitar tone cap.  The versatile STANDARD TEN SHORT is ideal for both guitars and basses, and is compatible with all types of hi-Z passive pickups. Total capacitance range: TRUE BYPASS to .047µF.


The BRIDGE TEN SHORT is the mid-range variation of our full-range ToneStyler GUITAR TEN SHORT. The reduced 8.2nF capacitance range focuses solely on mid-range, presence, and treble harmonics. Voiced to enhance the clean and overdrive tones from classic all-tube amplifiers, the BRIDGE TEN SHORT is essential for bridge pickups in both stage and studio applications.


All ToneStyler models feature six intermediate circuits #3 through #8, providing a sequence of discrete capacitance values, in audio taper.  Stellartone’s signature pickup resonances and roll-off frequencies cannot be produced via any traditional tone controls, pedals, or pre-amp settings.  At full clockwise rotation #10, true bypass is selected; in the adjacent #9 detent, "virtual tone pot loading" duplicates the subtle loading and treble reduction of a tone pot set to maximum clockwise brightness.



• For use in instruments with two set-screw knobs… master volume and tone control (Precision Bass, Telecaster), swap out the tone pot and connect the ToneStyler's shielded cable directly to the volume pot's input terminal and ground.


• For use in instruments with three set-screw knobs… master volume and dual tone controls  (Stratocaster), swap out either tone pot, and connect the ToneStyler's shielded cable directly to the pickup selector switch's output. The other tone control may also be connected to the selector switch output as a second master tone control. Alternately, the second pot may be wired in series with the ToneStyler, creating a two-knob adjustable-strength master ToneStyler.


• For use in instruments with three set-screw knobs… dual volumes and master tone control (Jazz Bass, Gretsch), connect the ToneStyler directly to either pickup's output cable, "pre-volume". This will control one or both pickups... but not the other pickup when it's soloed. To optionally switch the ToneStyler to the other solo pickup, use a push-pull volume pot's switch. For superior performance, a Jazz Bass or Gretsch may be re-wired to the modern "master volume plus blend plus tone" control plan.


• For use in instruments with four set-screw knobs… dual volumes and dual tone controls (Rickenbacker, Tele Thinline), use one ToneStyler for either the bridge or the neck pickup (it will also control 'both pickups'), and leave the other tone knob “as-is”… or swap one tone pot with a push-pull pot to alternately control each pickup with one shared ToneStyler. Or, install a pair of ToneStylers for independent EQ control of each pickup.


Please see our large selection of custom and optional control plans.



B-10-S range: TRUE BYPASS to .100µF.   S-10-S range: TRUE BYPASS to .047µF.   G-10-S range: TRUE BYPASS to .022µF.   M-10-S range: TRUE BYPASS to 8.2nF.


USA 1/4" Solid-shaft tip with "D" flat for secure mounting of USA 1/4" hole set-screw knobs. DOES NOT FIT any push-on knobs, or 6mm hole metric set-screw knobs (use a ToneStyler LONG model).  3/8”-32 dia. x 5/16" short-length USA bushing mounts through surfaces up to 3/16” thick, such as metal control plates, pickguards, and ≤3/16”solid-wood & laminated tops, with 3/8” diameter mounting holes. Compact shielded polymer module with 0.875" dia. and 0.8125" behind-panel depth (±5%) allows an easy drop-in swap for a standard tone pot, with no fitting or modification required in most instruments.


100% passive analog circuity - no batteries - zero noise!  Includes mounting hardware and 1/2" hex nut driver.  Hand-made in the U.S.A.    MAP $129