Stellartone ToneStyler installation instructions 2025


The ToneStyler BASS TEN LONG, STANDARD TEN LONG, GUITAR TEN LONG, AND BRIDGE TEN LONG have 1/2" length x 3/8"-32 dia USA threaded bushings, and 24-fine-spline split-shaft USA tips, for mounting through ≤3/8” surfaces, and using either USA push-on or USA/metric set-screw knobs.  Epiphone metric knobs with 18-coarse-splines will not fit properly - swap with the matching Gibson USA fine-spline knob.

The ToneStyler BASS TEN SHORT, STANDARD TEN SHORT, GUITAR TEN SHORT, AND BRIDGE TEN SHORT have 5/16" length x 3/8"-32 dia USA threaded bushings, and 1/4" USA solid-shaft “D” tips, for mounting through ≤3/16” surfaces, and exclusively using 1/4” hole USA set-screw knobs (no push-on knobs, or 6mm hole metric set-screw knobs!) 

 Please visit the Stellartone web site to select & download our many optional wiring diagrams.

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Connecting the ToneStyler’s HOT WIRE (RED):

 In single-pickup guitars & basses (P-Bass, Les Paul Jr): solder the RED wire to the pickup’s HOT output wire, where it is presently soldered to the left side input lug of the volume pot.

In guitars & basses with pickup selector switches and two knobs (Tele) or three knobs (Strat): solder the RED wire to the left side input lug of the master volume pot, where the pickup selector switch’s HOT output wire is presently soldered.

In two-pickup guitars & basses with four knobs (SG, ES-335, RIC), replace one or both tone pots.  Solder the ToneStyler’s RED wire to the left side input lug of either volume pot, where the pickup’s HOT output wire is presently soldered. The ToneStyler will control your chosen pickup as well as both blended pickups… but it will NOT CONTROL the other pickup if soloed.  When installing only one ToneStyler, we’ll suggest replacing a guitar’s bridge PUP tone pot, or a bass’s neck PUP tone pot.

As an economical option to control both PUPs with one shared ToneStyler: replace the other tone pot with a push-pull pot; the switch then allows your ToneStyler to control either soloed pickup.


In two-pickup basses with three “volume-volume-tone” knobs (Fender Jazz Bass, Gibson Thunderbird) and in most Gretsch guitars: solder the RED wire to the center input lug of one chosen volume pot, where that pickup’s HOT output wire is presently soldered.  The ToneStyler will control your chosen pickup, as well as both blended pickups… but it will NOT CONTROL the other pickup if soloed. 

Options to allow the ToneStyler to control both soloed pickups: replace your bridge pickup’s volume pot with a push-pull pot; this switch allows your ToneStyler to control either pickup when soloed, as well as both pickups when blended.  You may also convert your dual volumes to “master-blend-tone” by replacing the bridge PUP’s volume pot with a mono blend pot.  

Important:  Never connect the RED ToneStyler wire to the output lug of ANY volume pot… and never connect it to the output jack of your instrument!  This doesn't work.

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Connecting the ToneStyler’s two GROUND WIRES (CLEAR and SHIELD):

Each ToneStyler cable contains one CLEAR "floating ground" wire.  This important wire completes the ToneStyler's internal tone circuit; it doesn't provide any hum or noise prevention. The CLEAR floating ground wire allows for optional installations, such as in instruments featuring customized series/parallel/phase switching.  Each CLEAR floating ground wire must be soldered to the same connection point where the pickup coil's neutral wire is soldered, or the ToneStyler will not function.

Each ToneStyler cable contains one stranded copper shield wire, which is electrically-common to the metal casing and mounting bushing… and after installation, connects to the guitar's conductive mounting surface.  For hum and noise prevention, solder the stranded copper shield wire to the pickup cable's ground wire, which is often found soldered to a metal volume pot case.

For typical installations (no custom switching), separate connection points for the CLEAR and stranded copper shield wires are unnecessary; only one combined ground point is required.  Simply twist & solder the ToneStyler's CLEAR and stranded copper shield ground wires together, and solder both wires to the pickup wire's ground point… exactly where it's presently soldered in your bass or guitar.

- end of installation instructions -­­­

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