Custom Guitar Electronics

Tone Controls for Guitar and Bass

Welcome to Stellartone USA!

tone control

Stellartone is a designer and manufacturer of custom tone controls for guitar and bass.  Our unique products are proudly hand-made in the USA. Our flagship product is the ToneStyler... the world's best drop-in upgrade of the tone control in electric guitars and basses featuring hi-Z passive magnetic pickups!



The ToneStyler BASS TEN LONG (B-10-L) STANDARD TEN LONG (S-10-L) GUITAR TEN LONG (G-10-L) and the BRIDGE TEN LONG (M-10-L) are miniature ten-position capacitor selector switch tone controls, for electric guitars & basses with hi-Z passive magnetic pickups.  These unique custom tone controls feature eight contrasting capacitance circuits with uniform audio-taper spacing between tones, and the guaranteed quietest switching in this device class!



The ToneStyler BASS TEN SHORT (B-10-S) STANDARD TEN SHORT (S-10-S) GUITAR TEN SHORT (G-10-S) and BRIDGE TEN SHORT (M-10-S) are miniature ten-position capacitor selector switch tone controls, for electric guitars & basses with hi-Z passive magnetic pickups.  These unique custom tone controls feature eight contrasting capacitance circuits with uniform audio-taper spacing between tones, and the guaranteed quietest switching in this device class!

ToneStyler Model EQ Ranges

ToneStylers are available in four contrasting EQ ranges. All models start with the "True Bypass" circuit at maximum clockwise position #10 - this offers the hottest and brightest output from your pickups. The adjacent circuit #9 is "Virtual Tone Pot on 10", which duplicates a tone pot's subtle reduction in high treble when set to maximum brightness.

The eight green lines in each bar above represent the ToneStyler's circuits #1 through #8. Sequenced in audio taper, each detent connects a discrete capacitance value, shifting the roll-off frequency and the maximum resonant peak of the pickup's output. Note that the EQ changes per step are greater on the BASS TEN, and smaller on the BRIDGE TEN.

Any model of ToneStyler may be paired with any hi-Z passive pickups, in any basses or guitars. For optimal performance, choose deeper models for neck pickups, and warmer models for bridge pickups.

Where space is available, connect the ToneStyler to a standard pot, to replace the fixed tone cap. Fender Strats conveniently provide a second tone knob, which is easily connected in series with a ToneStyler, creating a "mega tone pot", with eight different roll-off & resonant frequencies.

When a second tone pot is impractical, any mini-toggle or push-pull switch, plus a fixed resistor, will serve to create two sets of tones with contrasting "Q" curves. One "strong set" will be heard at full EQ strength, with maximum resonance and minimal high harmonics, and the other "mild set" heard at a reduced tonal strength, with less resonance plus a light mix of mid & treble harmonics.  Scroll down for more information and a simple "Q Switch" wiring diagram.

How Tone Controls REALLY WORK...!

Since 2005, many people have asked questions about Stellartone's charts, which compare the EQ curves of a standard tone control vs an array of fixed capacitors. "Why do ToneStylers sound different than tone pots?"  The internet is full of such questions...  but usually the wrong answers!  Here's the "true story"...

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For more information and to purchase, visit Stellartone's shop on REVERB.COM

NEW!  Add a "Q" filter switch to your Guitar or Bass

To adjust the overall tone strength of a ToneStyler's eight EQ circuits, just connect a second tone pot, or a switch and a resistor, in series with the ToneStyler's input wire.

Fender Strats conveniently provide a second tone pot, which is easily connected in series with a ToneStyler.  This creates a "mega tone pot", with eight different roll-off & resonant frequencies.

When a second tone pot is impractical, any mini-toggle or push-pull switch, plus a fixed resistor, will serve to create two sets of tones with contrasting "Q" curves.  One set will be heard at full EQ strength, with maximum resonance and minimal high harmonics, and the other set heard at a reduced tonal strength, with less resonance plus a light mix of mid & treble harmonics.

The above chart shows the "Q" effect when selecting the deep #473 capacitor circuit in a ToneStyler STANDARD TEN, at the #1 full anti-clockwise knob rotation position  This same "strong / mild" EQ curve choice is created on all ToneStyler circuits, in all ToneStyler models.

Just swap out your volume pot and your tone pot in the same tech session.  Push the volume knob IN for the traditional full-strength ToneStyler performance; pull the volume knob OUT for the "milder" set of EQ curves.

 Click here for the super-easy wiring diagram... only two switch terminals and a resistor are used.

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